Chicago’s Fake News Machine in Trouble?
Attacks on prosecutors charging suspicious witness statements with perjury is censorship by the nation’s most corrupt media…
What does a woman who was almost burned to death after she was gang-raped in a South Side dwelling have to do with the modern Democratic Party and their media machine?
Well, a lot actually.
Stanley Wrice was once convicted in the 1982 gang rape of Karen Byron, then beating her over the course of several hours before burning her almost to death with implements heated up on a gas stove. Byron, now deceased, crawled into a gas station parking lot after she was dumped in an alley. She spent weeks in the burn unit of a hospital undergoing treatment for her burns.
Wrice was released from a 100-year sentence for the crimes against Byron, then won a multimillion verdict in a civil lawsuit on the grounds that he was abused by Chicago cops. The Wrice case is not, in truth, the story of police corruption. On the contrary, it is a story revealing the real nature of the Democratic Party and the tactics they will employ to push their agenda.
In the years leading up to Wrice’s federal trial in which he won his settlement, the Chicago media was facing an accounting, one that no doubt filled its members with dread. If this accounting were to take shape, the contempt an increasing number of Americans felt toward the media and Democratic cities like Chicago would prove not only justified, but grossly understated.
One force in their growing anxiety was the unforeseen victory of President Trump, whose 2016 and 2024 election victories were predicated on a chronic claim that the media engaged in “fake news,” a label used to describe the media making up the news for political purposes, contrived stories that attacked progressive enemies and bolstered their allies.
In Chicago, the fake news theme was rearing its own ugly head over the legitimacy and fairness of the city’s top prosecutor, Anita Alvarez, who was quickly becoming a major threat in the newly emerging Democratic Party, due to Alvarez’s insistence on preserving her role as public servant, not the militant activist the media so desperately craved.
Alvarez committed several acts that assured the media she not only couldn’t be trusted but she posed a threat, even though she herself was a Democrat. Her greatest crime in the minds of Chicago media was overturning the central mythology of this militant media, the Anthony Porter case.
Porter and his supporters from Northwestern University, the same university that had hired terrorist bomber Bernardine Dohrn to teach at the law school, had claimed Porter was innocent of a 1982 double murder and obtained a confession from another man, who was lingering in prison. Alvarez reviewed the case, let the man out of prison, and assailed the tactics employed by Northwestern investigators to obtain dubious witness statements to bolster their case. It was a humiliating turn of events for the Chicago media.
Alvarez again showed her threat to the media and the ruling party (not to be redundant) when she indicted a man named Willie Johnson for perjury after Johnson came forward and said he had lied in a criminal trial fingering two men for a double murder. Johnson had also been wounded in the shooting. Johnson’s recantation came, according to reports, after he received several phone calls from a top Four Corner Hustler gang member who was in prison.
But perhaps worst of all for Alvarez was the fact that Alvarez refused to overturn convictions in refused to overturn convictions in which a retired detective, Reynaldo Guevara, investigated the cases. Many of the claims against Guevera were propped up by sudden witness recantations decades after the crimes.
The promotion and protection of these dubious witness statements by the media is the greatest censorship foisted on the American people in an era that saw Soviet-style propaganda tactics by the media explode throughout the country, undermining or nearly undermining election after election and opposing administrations. While “journalists” obediently defended witnesses who may be asserting falsehoods, they simultaneously conspired in Chicago to assure the myriad examples of witness deceit never saw the light of day in the city’s vapid media discourse.
Alvarez’s refusal to accept the suspicious witness statements in the Guevara cases was intolerable to the media. In response, the media turned on Alvarez and elevated Kimberly Foxx, a woman utterly lacking in any credentials worthy of the top prosecutor but holding all the qualifications to feed the media narratives that were crashing on the rocks of evidence under Alvarez. Alvarez was vilified, Foxx celebrated. George Soros jumped in and flooded Foxx’s campaign with money.
As top prosecutor, Foxx delivered for the media and the attorneys defending offenders in a manner that spelled doom for Chicago. Foxx did so by granting immunity to Guevara, a move that compelled Guevara to forgo his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and testify, so that prosecutors, riding waves of hysterical reporting, could then accuse Guevera of lying. Guevara’s attorney attacked Foxx:
Guevara’s attorney, Will Fahy, voiced strong suspicions about prosecutors’ motives, saying Guevara has reason to fear they are setting a “perjury trap”—forcing his testimony only in order to accuse him of lying on the stand, a crime that would not be covered by the grant of immunity.
Foxx’s alleged perjury trap was perhaps the lowest moment in the modern history of Illinois and certainly one of the most malevolent, conniving moves by all the prosecutors supported by radical philanthropist George Soros. Under Foxx, offender after offender, often vicious gang members, were released from prison. More than a billion dollars will likely be paid out to these gang members on the ludicrous claims that they were coerced into confessing, a billion dollars from a city already mired in debt.
Foxx’s ascendence marked the glory days of the radical left in Chicago, the perfection of lawfare through a corrupt, ideological-driven media and their public servant stooges.
Foxx is gone now, never having been held accountable for the unprecedented catastrophe of her administration. Americans have lost faith in the media. A candidate who railed against what he called the fake news is now president.
The question now is how the media will keep their narratives alive in the world order taking shape. Clearly, for the Chicago media, there is one absolute: They must protect bogus witnesses from legal scrutiny. They must maintain their strategy of keeping their claims alive in the media but protect them from scrutiny of a courtroom, a tricky gambit.
All of which brings us back to the rape and murder of Karen Byron and the saga of Stanley Wrice who went from serving a 100-year prison sentence to becoming a millionaire.
There was one key witness in the case the jury, and certainly the public, didn’t hear from: Jennifer Scott. During the course of discovery, Jennifer Scott came forward with a chilling narrative about Stanley Wrice, claiming that he had regularly raped her beginning when she was thirteen and that her first three children were the result of these rapes. The judge in Wrice’s civil trial ruled that Scott could not tell the jurors about her horrific experiences with Stanley Wrice.
Among Chicago’s reporters, there were no outcries about Scott being prevented from testifying about her claims of having been sexually attacked by Wrice at an early age. In fact, it’s difficult to find any record of any reporter whatsoever asking her about her experiences with Wrice at all.
So there are some witnesses the Chicago media is dying to hear from, like gang members or their friends who stand to make millions in civil lawsuits. Others, whose testimony about being raped from an early age could upset the pursuit of massive settlements, not so much.
Had enough of the Chicago Democratic Party and their media dogs yet?
Would like to hear your perspective on chicago PD regarding ICE coming to Chicago: will they stand aside or what?